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AWS Azure Security VPN

WireGuard, OpenVPN, Pro Custodibus, TailScale

In my startup – ALight Technology And Services Limited, I don’t have any employees. I do everything myself. I know .Net web development. These other activities are something new for me.

Most of you know, I have been looking for secure, efficient way of accessing servers hosted in my AWS and Azure accounts. This effort is part of productionizing WebVeta and securing the servers.

I have written some blog articles about OpenVPN in the past and how-to automate changing keys using some C# code at random for higher security.

This blog post is about few other alternatives and some tips.

WireGuard is another free VPN software! But the problem 256-bit key. i.e less secure but high throughput. One possible way is by rotating the key on a timely basis. There is another software known as Pro Custodibus, that helps in rotating keys and managing keys + MFA!

OpenVPN is very highly configurable and can support 2048 bit keys and above.

How to easily install OpenVPN and some easy C# code snippets for Process class

The above blog post talks about how to install and use some C# code for re-generating server and client side keys. The above blog post allows keys + password protection for the ovpn file i.e 2 layers of higher security.

OpenVPN has the following interesting options for further security / monitoring and alerting:

--ipchange cmd
--route-up cmd
--route-pre-down cmd
--ping-exit n
--up cmd
--down cmd
--auth-user-pass-verify cmd method
--auth-gen-token [lifetime]

Using some of these options and commands, alerts can be generated by either using scripts or programs. I would use C#, but any programming language or even shell scripts can be used.

Using –auth-user-pass-verify 3rd level of security can be added i.e an additional username + password security can be added.

–single-session allows one and only one session, no session re-negotiation – Probably perfect for my scenario.

TailScale is a very nice VPN management software and has a very generous free-tier of upto 100 devices and 3 users. With a little bit of custom programming and using TailScale the security can be increased and can be easily managed. However, one of the biggest problems I saw was registering servers. TailGate displays a URL in plain-text, the URL needs to be entered in browser and authenticated for registering a server in TailGate. If anyone knows the URL and if they authenticate before you, they can try to take-over the server and of-course you can immediately terminate server etc…

I think re-gistering servers should be 2 way i.e

  1. In the website allow copying some random GUID (don’t show the GUID in plain text).
  2. In the server after tailscale up, prompt for the GUID, treat the GUID like password, allow pasting but don’t echo the GUID.
  3. Generate another unique GUID on the server and display.
  4. User copies the server-side GUID and pastes in the website.
  5. Now pair the servers

Even if someone somehow steals the first GUID and pastes in their server, the second GUID generated by their server would be different and can’t be paired.

If someone steals the second guid, their browser-side first guid associated with their account would be different and can’t be paired.

Meanwhile TailScale pairing can be done little securely using my opensource tool – – This feature to be implemented, I would make an announcement when the feature gets implemented.

The feature would be very simple, instead of displaying the URL, the URL would be encrypted, use the client-mode part of tool for decrypting, copy and paste in small-sized browser window and approve.

This feature request has been submitted –

Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli

Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO
Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO

B.Tech, M.B.A






Founder & CEO, Lead Full-Stack .Net developer

ALight Technology And Services Limited

ALight Technologies USA Inc




Phone / SMS / WhatsApp on the following 3 numbers:

+91-789-362-6688, +1-480-347-6849, +44-07718-273-964

+44-03333-03-1284 (Skype),,,,, and 3 more rarely used email addresses – hardly once or twice a year.


Private Hosted Zone in Route 53 on AWS

Cross Post –

Although ALight Technology And Services Limited is a very small startup as of now but internally there are few different servers hosted on AWS. I had the need for a private DNS server. This blog post is about setting up a Private Hosted Zone in Route 53 on AWS.

*Hosted Zones cost $0.5 per month and additional for the DNS queries but worth instead of going through the trouble of setting up own DNS servers on few different EC2 instances (alternate and slightly cheaper way, but not very reliable and lots of sysadmin work).

Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Route 53 and create a new Hosted Zone with the Type – Private Hosted Zone option.
  2. Associate the necessary VPC’s, be careful not to have overlapping addresses. The VPV’s need to have DNS Hostnames and DNS Resolution enabled.
  3. Now log in into your EC2 instance and do a nslookup.
> nslookup my.local //Assuming you have setup a record as my.local in Route 53.

If you get the IP resolved great! If not, use this webpage for troubleshooting –

For me the 4th part solved my error – Review custom settings in resolv.conf.

Hoping the above blog post helps someone.

Although, I have AWS Certified Architect Certificate and do have knowledge of AWS Route 53 Private Hosted Zone, this effort has allowed me to gain hands-on experience!

Happy development :)!

Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli

Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO
Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO

B.Tech, M.B.A






Founder & CEO, Lead Full-Stack .Net developer

ALight Technology And Services Limited

ALight Technologies USA Inc




Phone / SMS / WhatsApp on the following 3 numbers:

+91-789-362-6688, +1-480-347-6849, +44-07718-273-964

+44-03333-03-1284 (Skype),,,,, and 3 more rarely used email addresses – hardly once or twice a year.

.Net AWS C#

How to export logs from cloudwatch to S3.

There might be a business case for log retention whether it’s for compliance or any other reason.

This is the approach being used by ALight Technology And Services Limited for longer term log retention.

I have created a bucket in S3 with the following retention policies:

AWS S3 Object Lock Policy

I personally don’t have to follow compliance yet, but nothing wrong in implementing compliance policies.

I have also defined a life-cycle policy to transition objects into Standard-IA (Infrequent Access) after 30 days.

Now I am developing a Lambda that would create Export tasks in CloudWatch once a week.

Here are some relevant C# code snippets:

var _client = new AmazonCloudWatchLogsClient(RegionEndpoint.EUWest2);
// Initialized AmazonCloudWatchLogsClient

var response = await _client.DescribeLogGroupsAsync();
// Get a list of LogGroups

foreach(var logGroup in response.LogGroups)
    var prefix = $"{from}-{to}-{logGroup.LogGroupName}";
    // You can define your own prefix
    var exportResult = await _client.CreateExportTaskAsync(new
            Destination = "<NAME_OF_S3_BUCKET>",
            DestinationPrefix = prefix,
            From = GetUnixMilliSeconds(from),
            LogGroupName = logGroup.LogGroupName,
            TaskName = prefix,
            To = GetUnixMilliSeconds(to),

The above code is pretty much self-explantory. Here is a code snippet for getting Unix MilliSeconds from epoch.

long GetUnixMilliSeconds(DateTime dateTime)
    var _epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    return (dateTime.Ticks - _epoch.Ticks) / 10000;

Happy development!

Stay away from psycoSpies!

Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli

Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO
Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO

B.Tech, M.B.A






Founder & CEO, Lead Full-Stack .Net developer

ALight Technology And Services Limited

ALight Technologies USA Inc




Phone / SMS / WhatsApp on the following 3 numbers:

+91-789-362-6688, +1-480-347-6849, +44-07718-273-964

+44-03333-03-1284 (Skype),,,,, and 3 more rarely used email addresses – hardly once or twice a year.

.Net AWS C# Cloudwatch NIST Security

Some Monitoring & Alerting tips for AWS workloads

This blog post is about some monitoring and alerting tips for AWS workloads.

  1. AWS Console Logins – Root or IAM user
  2. SSH into an EC2 instance

The above mentioned are considered primary. In addition the following monitoring are necessary:

3. What actions were performed by users and/or AWS such as launching EC2 instances (manual or autoscaling) or configuring Route53 or Security Groups etc…

4. Web logs, Load Balancer logs, Cloudfront logs in rare cases of DDOS attacks by the baddies.

5. Application logs

6. Database logs

7. System logs

In the next few weeks, I would be writing or even live videos / tutorials on how to monitor and alert for 1, 2 and 3. Some of these are based on using existing systems and in some cases, I would show manual and programmatic (C# preferred language of choice) approaches.

I would also share some blog posts on how to ingest logs into AWS Cloudwatch (5 GB ingestion free and some other costs) and Grafana (50GB ingestion free), discuss advantages and disadvantages of both.

As part of implementing NIST cyber security framework at ALight Technology And Services Limited, I am implementing these. I like sharing my knowledge with others as I come across new things, learn new things, even existing knowledge when appropriate, sometimes a blend of existing knowledge and new things.

Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli

Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO
Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO

B.Tech, M.B.A






Founder & CEO, Lead Full-Stack .Net developer

ALight Technology And Services Limited

ALight Technologies USA Inc




Phone / SMS / WhatsApp on the following 3 numbers:

+91-789-362-6688, +1-480-347-6849, +44-07718-273-964

+44-03333-03-1284 (Skype),,,,, and 3 more rarely used email addresses – hardly once or twice a year.


AWS CLI – Copying objects from and to S3

This is a very small blogpost about how to copy objects from S3 and to S3. The blog post assumes AWS CLI is installed and configured, and the user has appropriate permissions.

The command is simple and strightforward:

> aws s3 cp <src> <dest>

If copying from current computer to s3 an example would be:

> aws s3 cp "/path/" "s3://<BucketName>/Path/"

If copying from s3 to localhost the source and destination would be reversed.

> > aws s3 cp "s3://<BucketName>/Path/" "/path/" 
.Net AWS C# CI/CD Code Build Github

How to setup CI/CD for C# application in AWS Lambda

In this blog post, I am going to write how to setup a CI (Continuous Integration)/CD (Continuous Deployment) pipeline for C# application in AWS Lambda.

The source code repository can be either be Github, AWS CodeStar. Then we are going to use CodeBuild for setting up build by writing a YAML file in the root of source code repository known as buildspec.yml.

Inside the buildspec.yml file, we would use dotnet lambda tool for the deployment.

Create a new AWS CodeBuild Project by choosing the source provider and the other options. Use the Managed Image, Ubuntu, Standard, aws/codebuild/standard:6.0 image. Make note of the new role created or if using existing role, make note of the role.

Create a new Lambda function with a .Net 6.0 runtime, make note of the IAM role for the Lambda function and the name of the Lambda function. The buildspec.yml mentioned below assumes the lambda function has a name of LambdaFunctionName and the role arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/service-role/xxxxrole.

The following is an example buildspec.yml file:

version: 0.1
    DOTNET_ROOT: /root/.dotnet
      dotnet: 6.0
      - echo Restore started on `date`
      - export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
      - pip install --upgrade awscli
      - cd Project1
      - dotnet clean
      - dotnet build
      - dotnet test
      - echo Build started on `date`
      - dotnet new -i Amazon.Lambda.Templates::*
      - dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
      - dotnet tool update -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
      - dotnet lambda deploy-function "LambdaFunctionName" --function-role "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/service-role/xxxxrole" --region "eu-west-2" --fn "LambdaFunctionName"

In the above buildspec.yml file sample, we are using .Net 6, navigating to the folder where the .sln file is located, and doing a clean, restore, build and test. Once these steps have passed, we are installing AWS Lambda tools, using lambda deploy-function for deploying.

Remember to change the cd statement to the appropriate folder structure to navigate to the folder which contains your .sln solution file, the Lambda Function Name and the IAM role of the Lambda Function in the above buildspec.yml file.

We still need to grant permissions for the role under which the build is running the permissions to deploy the code to Lambda. Now navigate to IAM and either create a custom policy or attach an inline policy directly to the CodeBuild role.

In the below screenshot, I have attached an inline policy:

That’s all for now! Happy coding my dear fellow developers!

Meanwhile, terrorist Veera, Bandhavi, Erra surnamed people, Uttam, the female who claims to have a first name of Kanti would be happily hacking, violating human rights and doing identity theft.

We need to secure our applications and our users from such malicious hackers/spies/terrorists and prevent espionage.

AWS Security

AWS – Discouraging the use of CLI!

AWS – Discouraging the use of CLI!

After much thought and consideration, I think the use of AWS CLI should be discouraged unless a very very strong VPN authentication and pro-active monitoring are in place.

The reason is, more and more workforce are working remote, accessing the cloud remotely. If VPN connections are not properly secured and monitored, with today’s advanced spying equipment being used by spies for espionage (unfortunately in my case, identity thief R&AW spies are hacking me (Indian citizen) for cover-up of identity theft), it becomes extremely easy for them to log into VPN. And even with restrictions in place, stealing Access Key and Secret Key would be much easier.

Remember the advanced spying equipment has very advanced capabilities: viewing, recording video, screenshotting, listening, recording audio, whispering and even mind-reading capabilities. Lookup, Corrupted R&AW online – not associated – ALight Technology And Services Limited (,

And the female R&AW agent needs to frame someone as a “ok” or “okay” or “oray” or whatever because the female with the first name of “Kanti” is an identity thief and needs to frame someone or make some absurd claims.

Some of the greedy/criminal people have accepted to act as the so-called non-existent “ok” or “okay” for getting access to the advanced spying equipment – peeping toms, because the female controls the spying equipment.Simple and striaghtforward logic.

Another most important consideration must be no sensitive information should be displayed on the screen.

Accessing AWS services by using properly tested and secure applications that have proper audit and logging should not be a problem in most scenarios.

Hypothetically, let’s say some sensitive data is stored in some dynamodb table and even if read-only permission is provided for access via CLI by using Secret Key and Access Key, there is a possibility of the data getting stolen. But in a proper well-tested application, the sensitive data might not be even displayed or even if displayed may be only masked data would be displayed. Or may even in some very rare cases, the actual data and masked data might be stored separately and maybe the applications just reads the masked data.

For example, irrespective of whether the data is stored in RDBMS or NoSQL database, in a hypothetical situation if some data like credit card number is being stored in a database and some page has to show 100 masked credit card numbers. It would be risky and even cpu consuming to decrypt 100 credit card numbers, and then calculate the masked values. Worst case scenario, if searching millions of encrypted credit card numbers based on last 4 digits. It’s safer to store the last 4 digits.

At least in ALight Technology And Services Limited, I would personally discourage the usage of CLI in most scenarios.

AWS – Discouraging the use of CLI!

AWS C# Github

New accompanying Github repository!

A new Github repository has been created at for holding code samples for all the future content of ALight Technology And Services Limited‘s technical blog or technical videos.

Youtube Channels:

Happy development. 🙂


How to secure AWS account using MFA