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How to access GitHub with SSH keys

Sometimes we need to access private repositories of a github account from linux servers for various purposes. For example, I have MFA enabled on my Github account, I need to clone a private repository inside a Linux server hosted in AWS. This article explains how to deal with such situations.

This is pretty much a re-hash of the steps provided in but in a slightly friendlier way.

Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent

Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account

Login into your server and generate SSH keys by issuing the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS>"

You would be prompted for a filename, password and re-type password. You can accept the defaults and click enter or enter a separate filename and password.

Now start the SSH agent by issuing the following command:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Now add the previously generated key for usage by issuing the following command:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Now either copy the content of the public key by using the clip command or view the content of the public key by using the cat command:

clip < ~/.ssh/
cat < ~/.ssh/

Now go to your GitHub account, sign-in and click on your profile on the right side top and click settings.

GitHub Profile Menu

From the left menu click SSH and GPG Keys

GitHub profile settings page’s left-side menu

Click New SSH Key

SSH Keys

Provide a title, a friendly name to remember, and enter the public key and click Add SSH key.

Add SSH key screen

Depending on your settings you might be prompted to re-authenticate or for MFA.

Now try cloning a repository from your Linux terminal. First copy the SSH URL of the repo:

Git clone URL screen

Then issue the following command on the Linux terminal to clone the main branch or a specific branch.

git clone <SSH_URL>
git clone --branch <BRANCH_NAME> <SSH_URL>

Hoping this helps someone :).

.Net AWS C# CI/CD Code Build Github

How to setup CI/CD for C# application in AWS Lambda

In this blog post, I am going to write how to setup a CI (Continuous Integration)/CD (Continuous Deployment) pipeline for C# application in AWS Lambda.

The source code repository can be either be Github, AWS CodeStar. Then we are going to use CodeBuild for setting up build by writing a YAML file in the root of source code repository known as buildspec.yml.

Inside the buildspec.yml file, we would use dotnet lambda tool for the deployment.

Create a new AWS CodeBuild Project by choosing the source provider and the other options. Use the Managed Image, Ubuntu, Standard, aws/codebuild/standard:6.0 image. Make note of the new role created or if using existing role, make note of the role.

Create a new Lambda function with a .Net 6.0 runtime, make note of the IAM role for the Lambda function and the name of the Lambda function. The buildspec.yml mentioned below assumes the lambda function has a name of LambdaFunctionName and the role arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/service-role/xxxxrole.

The following is an example buildspec.yml file:

version: 0.1
    DOTNET_ROOT: /root/.dotnet
      dotnet: 6.0
      - echo Restore started on `date`
      - export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
      - pip install --upgrade awscli
      - cd Project1
      - dotnet clean
      - dotnet build
      - dotnet test
      - echo Build started on `date`
      - dotnet new -i Amazon.Lambda.Templates::*
      - dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
      - dotnet tool update -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
      - dotnet lambda deploy-function "LambdaFunctionName" --function-role "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/service-role/xxxxrole" --region "eu-west-2" --fn "LambdaFunctionName"

In the above buildspec.yml file sample, we are using .Net 6, navigating to the folder where the .sln file is located, and doing a clean, restore, build and test. Once these steps have passed, we are installing AWS Lambda tools, using lambda deploy-function for deploying.

Remember to change the cd statement to the appropriate folder structure to navigate to the folder which contains your .sln solution file, the Lambda Function Name and the IAM role of the Lambda Function in the above buildspec.yml file.

We still need to grant permissions for the role under which the build is running the permissions to deploy the code to Lambda. Now navigate to IAM and either create a custom policy or attach an inline policy directly to the CodeBuild role.

In the below screenshot, I have attached an inline policy:

That’s all for now! Happy coding my dear fellow developers!

Meanwhile, terrorist Veera, Bandhavi, Erra surnamed people, Uttam, the female who claims to have a first name of Kanti would be happily hacking, violating human rights and doing identity theft.

We need to secure our applications and our users from such malicious hackers/spies/terrorists and prevent espionage.

AWS C# Github

New accompanying Github repository!

A new Github repository has been created at for holding code samples for all the future content of ALight Technology And Services Limited‘s technical blog or technical videos.

Youtube Channels:

Happy development. 🙂