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ElasticSearch ELK Logging NGinx

How to install ElasticSearch, Kibana, Logstash, Filebeat Let’sEncrypt SSL Certificate and secure the login

This is a almost complete article for ELK stack implementation. However, the authorization restrictions in Kibana are a bit tricky, this article shows authorization at the webserver level for Apache (useful for smaller companies, for fine-grained permissions this might not be useful) i.e This article would serve the purpose of installing the above mentioned software stack. If later I come across anything different or useful when it comes to installing this article would be updated.

This is more like a step by step end to end tutorial, combining information from a lot of different sources. All the appropriate references are provided.

The actual log ingestion, monitoring etc… might be seperate articles.

This is for Ubuntu 20.04. I would suggest at least 4GB RAM. Based upon your requirements follow all or some of the steps


  1. Update

2. Install Java

3. Install ElasticSearch

4. Minimal configuration of ElasticSearch

5. Attach a seperate data volume to EC2 instance in AWS (Optional)

6. Start and verify ElasticSearch

7. Installing Kibana

8. Installing NGinx (Optional if NGinx is installed)

9. Installing Apache and securing Apache (Optional if you have a different web server and secured in a different way)

9a) Securing using Auth0 (My preferred way due to some undisclosed reasons)

10. Install LetsEncrypt’s free SSL certificate for NGinx (Must, unless you have different form of SSL certificates)

11. Install LetsEncrypt’s free SSL certificate for Apache (Must, unless you have different form of SSL certificates)

12. Install Dex (Optional, configuring Dex is not covered in this article)

13. Configure Apache reverseproxy

14. Configure NGinx as a reverseproxy

  1. Update:
sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

2. Install Java

sudo apt install default-jre

3. Install ElasticSearch

curl -fsSL |sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elastic.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install elasticsearch

4. Minimal configuration of ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch stores configuration in a file located at /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml, for now we would uncomment and set to localhost.

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

// uncomment as shown below, press ctrl + x, Y + Enter i.e save the file

5. Attach a seperate data volume to EC2 instance in AWS (Optional)

Goto AWS Console, EC2 and click Volumes.

AWS Console -> EC2 -> Volumes

Then click Create Volume in the top right.

Create Volume

Select the appropriate volume type, size etc… and create volume

Create Volume

Once the volume is created and available, select the volume and click “Attach Volume” from the “Actions” menu.

Attach Volume

Select the instance for which the volume needs to be attached and click attach.

Attach Volume

Now SSH into the EC2 instance


This should show something like this:

lsblk output

nvme1n1 was attached.

Format the newly attached volume

sudo mkfs -t xfs /dev/nvme1n1

Mount to /etc/lib/elasticsearch

sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /var/lib/elasticsearch/

For the volume to be automatically mounted edit /etc/fstab. But prior, make a copy because it seems improper fstab configuration can cause problems.

sudo blkid
sudo nano /etc/fstab

Paste the following line by replacing XXX with your own UUID from previous step.

UUID=XXX  /var/lib/elasticsearch  xfs  defaults,nofail  0  2

6. Start and verify ElasticSearch

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
curl -X GET "localhost:9200"
Output if sucessful

If the above 3 commands ran without error and if the output of 3rd command matches the above, elasticsearch installation is complete.

7. Installing Kibana

sudo apt install kibana
sudo systemctl enable kibana
sudo systemctl start kibana

8. Installing NGinx (Optional if NGinx is installed)

sudo apt install nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx

Enable port 80 in Security Group, in firewall (ufw) if you have and navigate to the public IP address of your computer and see if the NGinx page is displayed.

9. Installing Apache and securing Apache (Optional if you have a different web server and secured in a different way)

sudo apt install apache2

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-openidc

sudo a2enmod auth_openidc

The next steps are optional, these steps are for securing the website at the server level i.e as a one person company, for now, I need to secure websites directly at the server level. If access rights are an issue, those need to be handled at the application level.


cp 000-default.conf kibana.conf

sudo nano kibana.conf

uncomment the ServerName line and use your own domain.

Apache conf
sudo a2ensite kibana.conf //Enabling the new conf

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf //Disabling the old conf

sudo apache2ctl configtest //Validate syntax

sudo systemctl restart apache2 //Restart Apache

Install SSL cert as mentioned in 11 and then proceed.

Install Apache OpenID Connect and secure

sudo apt install libapache2-mod-auth-openidc

Create a new app in Google Console and then follow these instructions. Here are the instructions:

Modify the appropriate Apache .conf file for your choosen provider. Here is a sample for Google login.


OIDCClaimPrefix "OIDC-"
    OIDCResponseType "code"
    OIDCScope "openid email profile"
    OIDCClientID <YourClientID>
    OIDCClientSecret <YourClientSecret>
    OIDCCryptoPassphrase <StrongCryptoPhrase>

#The above URL can be any vanity URL

    <LocationMatch />
      AuthType openid-connect
      Require valid-user
      Require claim
      LogLevel debug


9a) Securing using Auth0 (My preferred way due to some undisclosed reasons)

OIDCClaimPrefix "OIDC-"
    OIDCResponseType "code"
    OIDCScope "openid email profile"
    OIDCClientID <YourCLientId>
    OIDCClientSecret <YourClientSecret>

10. Install LetsEncrypt’s free SSL certificate for NGinx (Must, unless you have different form of SSL certificates)

sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx

Edit the nginx config file, here I am editing the default file:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/

Add the following in the server block


Verify and restart nginx

sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Generate certificates by issuing the following command and following the instructions:

sudo certbot --nginx

11. Install LetsEncrypt’s free SSL certificate for Apache (Must, unless you have different form of SSL certificates)

sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache

sudo certbot --apache

12. Install Dex (Optional, configuring Dex is not covered in this article)

Dex needs go, gcc and build-essentials

sudo apt install make gcc build-essentials


rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.19.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

git clone

cd dex/

make build

13. Configure Apache reverseproxy

Enable the following modules:

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests

In the appropriate .conf file remove “DocumentRoot” and add these lines:

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

The validate the config file and restart apache

apachectl configtest

sudo systemctl restart apache2

14. Configure NGinx as a reverseproxy

Inside your nginx config file inside “server” block, configure “location” block to look like this:

location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;

Restart nginx

sudo systemctl rsetart nginx

That’s all voila ElasticSearch and Kibana are up and running! Injecting logs configurations etc… are the topics for another blog post.


Apache OpenID Connect example. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

Boucheron, B. (2021, March 1). How To Secure Nginx with Let&#039;s Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04. DigitalOcean Community. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

Glass, E., & Camisso, J. (2022, April 26). How To Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (Elastic Stack) on Ubuntu 22.04. DigitalOcean Community. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

Heidi, E. (2020, April 29). How To Secure Apache with Let&#039;s Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04. DigitalOcean Community. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

Krantz, X. (2021, December 14). How to setup SSO for Elastic/Kibana with GitHub auth provider. Medium.

Make an Amazon EBS volume available for use on Linux – Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. (n.d.). AWS Documentation. Retrieved January 1, 2023, from

OpenStack Docs: Setup OpenID Connect. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from

ZmartZone IAM. (n.d.-a). GitHub – zmartzone/mod_auth_openidc: OpenID Certified&lt;sup&gt;TM OpenID Connect Relying Party implementation for Apache HTTP Server 2.x. GitHub. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from &lt;span&gt;

ZmartZone IAM. (n.d.-b). Home · zmartzone/mod_auth_openidc Wiki. GitHub. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from