This blog post is purely about getting started with Solr. A programming related blog post would be posted later. Getting started on Linux would also be posted later.
Download the latest version of Solr from As of this blog post the latest release was 9.0.0 and I have downloaded the Binary release from
Once downloaded extract the files. For this blog post, I have extracted the files on Windows under C:\solr.
Solr requies Java. Download and install Java from Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to the JRE directory.

Now navigate to C:\Solr in command prompt and enter the following:
bin\solr.cmd start
This should start Solr, if not, verify your Java installation and environment variable.
Now navigate to http://localhost:8983/ in your web browser. You should see a web page that looks something like this:

You might not see the Core Selector dropdown but the web page should look similar.
Getting started with Solr on Linux.
In a future blog post, we will see how to create cores, define schema, add documents for indexing using C#, how to search through the documents using C#. This blog post would be updated with the links to the relevant blog articles when those blog posts are published.
More Solr related Articles:
Getting started with Solr on Windows
Getting started with Solr on Linux!
Here are some excellent getting started documentation from Solr:
For production grade deployment: