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Connecting to MySQL or MariaDB from Linux Command Line

There could be several reasons for working with MySQL from command prompt such as via SSH etc… This is a brief tutorial on some important mysql commands.

Connect by issuing the following command:

> mysql -u root -p

Then you might be prompted for password and after entering the correct password, MySQL shell would be accessible.

The following are some important commands for viewing databases, creating databases, creating users, and providing privileges. The commands are pretty much self-explanatory:

> show databases; -- Shows databases

> use <DATABASE_NAME>; -- Uses database, i.e next set of commands would be against the database, can be used on a necessity basis

> show tables; -- Viewing existing tables in a particular schema

> CREATE DATABSE <DATABASE_NAME>; - Creates a new schema

> CREATE USER 'new_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; -- Creates a new user with userid of "new_user" and password of "password"

> GRANT PRIVILEGE ON database.table TO 'username'@'localhost'; -- Grants privileges on the specific table in the specific database

> GRANT PRIVILEGE ON database.* TO 'username'@'localhost'; -- Grants privileges on all tables in the specific database

> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; -- Not necessary but for the purpose of completeness

> exit; -- Exiting MySQL shell

MariaDB also has the same syntax.

Hoping this blog post helps someone.