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Security Wordpress

How I secured my wordpress account!

Cross post –

On December 22nd at 17:45 India Standard Time (12:15 GMT / 07:15 EST), I am doing a live video on showing the security. That’s why they were not able to hack my WordPress although they had a very powerful spying / hacking equipment.

YubiKey Bio:

I have Yubikey Bio, it’s a biometric authentication USB device. Some websites support multi-factor authentication with hardware devices such as Yubikey. The difference between normal hardware keys and Yubikey Bio is the biometric authentication. With normal hardware keys anyone with access to the USB device can login, but with Yubikey Bio – biometric authentication happens i.e Yubikey Bio verifies fingerprint.

Nextend Social Login Plugin for WordPress:

Nextend Social Login Plugin – This plugin allows me to login via Google. There is a little setup in GCP console. But ultimately allows me to use Google login. I have configured in such a way that only is allowed to login using Google authentication. I have secured my Google login to use Yubikey Bio.

Duo Two-Factor Authentication:

Duo Two-Factor Authentication allows further securing the wordpress installation by using Yubikey Bio. There is a little bit of configuration to be done.

In this setup I first need to login into my Google account –, then I am prompted for Biometric authentication. Then I login into wordpress and once again I am prompted for biometric authentication. This way no one else can login into my WordPress account.

By reviewing the logs, there have been several thousand login attempts but all of those have been thwarted with this setup. i.e even with proper password, they can get to the MFA screen but not any further.

India’s R&AW spies have a very powerful spying / hacking equipment. I think it might be invisible drone with very powerful capabilities such as recording video, audio, speakers used for whispering and even mind reading capabilities. With such a powerful hacking equipment, normal usernames and passwords are obsolete. The list of hackers/impersonators/identity thieves might include: erra surnamed people – diwakar / karan / kamalakar / karunkar / erra sowmya / erra sowjanya / zinnabathuni sowjanya / thota veera / uttam / bojja srinivas / mukesh golla / bandhavi / female identity thieves who claim to have my first name – Kanti and their helper pimp Kalyan’s (I am Kanti Kalyan Arumilli – those escorts and pimps tried to break my identity). Some of them have multiple aliases and multiple surnamed virtual identities.

Mr. Kanti Kalyan Arumilli

Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO
Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, Founder & CEO

B.Tech, M.B.A






Founder & CEO, Lead Full-Stack .Net developer

ALight Technology And Services Limited

ALight Technologies USA Inc




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+91-789-362-6688, +1-480-347-6849, +44-07718-273-964

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Security Wordpress

WordPress Security And MFA!

WordPress Security And MFA!

After updating the website in December 2021 month-end to use WordPress, several internal updates and plugins were done for securing the website, improving the performance of the website. Over the past 30 days over 2,605 malicious requests were blocked using some security plugins. MFA was activated tying into Google Single-SignOn and Duo MFA. In other words logging into WordPress as admin requires Biometric authentication – YubiKey Bio. The useful plugins were Duo Two-Factor Authentication, Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange, Shield Security. Currently, the free versions of these plugins have enough functionality. The pro versions have many more excellent features. Sometime in the future, I might consider the pro versions. But I would highly recommend anyone using WordPress to secure your WordPress websites using these plugins. Even if you don’t have a YubiKey Bio, I would still suggest securing your installations using Duo push notifications. The installation of the plugins and configuring are very easy and stright-forward.

WordPress Security And MFA!