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Q) Which country would send spies overseas to harass it’s own citizens?

A) India! the great!

Q) Which country would frame it’s own citizen’s to justify harassment?

A) Again India!

Q) Is the harassment even justified?

A) Absolutely not!

Q) Is any country allowed to violate human rights of it’s own citizens or a different country’s citizens?

A) Absolutely not!

Q) There are extreme hardcore investigation techniques for interrogating hardcore criminals, but human rights violations of common people for no reason can be justified?

A) To the best of my knowledge – No!

Q) Does India allow multiple citizenship?

A) No! So whoever is claiming to have dual citizenship has either infiltrated India and is a citizen of a different country or an Indian infiltrated the other country and somehow got a passport from another country! Probably that’s how spies work, but I DON’T KNOW.

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